Sunday, September 27, 2009

5th Blog entry Modified Chicken Parmigiana

½ onion diced
2 very ripe tomatoes chopped chunky
1 teaspoon finely chopped parsley
1 cup of plain flour
2 capsicum
1 teaspoon chopped basil
2 slices lean ham
2 tablespoons low fat mozzarella cheese
1 teaspoon garlic
1 tablespoon sugar
1cup water
1 x 125g skinless chicken breast
Capsicum, Cherry Tomatos and Shallots for garnish
Spray oil in a heavy-based medium saucepan over medium heat. Add garlic, onion and capsicum and cook, stirring occasionally, for about 3 minutes, until onion and capsicum has softened but not browned. Add tomatoes, basil and sugar and water increase heat and bring to the boil. Once boiling, reduce heat and simmer for about 25 minutes, stirring occasionally, until sauce has reached the desired consistency. Add salt and pepper to taste. Set aside while cooking chicken.Trim any fat from chicken. If using chicken breasts, cut them in half horizontally. Cover chicken with a freezer bag and lightly pound with the flat side of meat mallet to flatten. Coat one piece of chicken in seasoned flour and shake to remove excess. Spray Oil in pan in hot pan and seal and brown chicken on both sides. Top chicken breast with 2 slices of lean ham, salsa, and low fat mozzarella cheese. Place chicken in 180 degrees oven for 20minutes. Garnish and serve with a Garden Salad or Green Vegetable Medley.

4th Blog Entry Chicken Parmigiana

Chicken Parmigiana is orginally a traditional Italian Recipe.
The chicken breast is crumbed and layered with ham, salsa and cheeses.

  1. Ideas on how to modify the Chicken Parmigiana, keeping the dish healthy for your Heart:

1. To minimise the oil used, use a non stick pan and spray canola oil ( low in saturated fats )

2. Use low fat cheese ( Mozzarella cheese is a healthier alternative )

3. Most salsa and tomato pastes contain high amounts of sugar. Make our own salsa sauce with reduced sugar and salt, but add more basil to compensate the taste.

3rd Entry: Modifying Chicken Parmigiana

Traditional Chicken Parmigiana Ingredients
20ml (1 tablespoon) oil
1/2 medium onion, peeled and finely chopped
2 tablespoons garlic
400g can crushed/diced tomatoes
1/2 teaspoon dried basil
11/2 teaspoons brown sugar, firmly packed
Salt and pepper
400g chicken breast fillets
2 eggs
1 tablespoon) milk50g (1/3 cup) plain flour 150g (about 1 1/3 cups) packaged breadcrumbs
1/2 cup) oil, for frying
1/3 cups, firmly packed) grated mozzarella cheese(1/2 cup, lightly packed) grated tasty cheddar cheese(1/4 cup) grated parmesan cheese

2nd Entry: Ways in which I can modify my Weekly Diet

After reflecting about the food choices I make, I can see there are many changes that could be made in my food choices.
Trying to implement more fruit for snacks and try and find more information healthy choices in foods that can keep myself fuller for longer. Research suggests that foods that contain low GI will help to increase your enery and keep you fuller for longer. Go to Link

Make a Change Today!
Enjoy Healthy Eating with Family and Friends, Here is how?
Modify your Recipes and Make a Healthy Change. Instead of fried nibbles and creamy dips that are high in saturated fats and salt try vegetable sticks with a salsa dip.

Healthy Hints
Modify Your Recipes

There are 4 key principles in how you can help your Heart:
1. Healthy Fats: Healthy
balance between unsaturated fats and saturated fats.
2. Fish: Studies have shown that people who eat fish twice a week are less likely to die from heart disease.
3. Whole Grains: Low in saturated fats.
4. Sodium: Restrict your Salt intake.

Healthy Cooking Ideas
· Use Spray Oil when cooking in pans
· Use Non stick pans in cooking
· Use the oven to cook chips.

Is this an Image of a Healthy Heart ?
The picture of health found in a National Geographic Journal is an angiogram of a human heart, which shows blood vessels in sharp detail. To take an angiogram, or arteriogram x-ray, doctors must first inject the patient with a special opaque dye that allows a clear view of the heart's blood vessels, including the large left and right coronary arteries. Narrowed arteries indicate the presence of coronary artery disease. Blockages of either of the coronary arteries could lead to a heart attack. Such x-rays help doctors determine a course of treatment.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Entry 1: What we should know for a Healthy Heart ? and My Weekly Food Diary

Get the Right Balance!
The Heart Foundation recommends
A balanced diet of:
5 plus serves a day of vegetables and legumes.
2 or more serves of Fruit a day
4 or more serves a day of breads, cereals, rice and pasta
Low or reduced fat dairy products, 2-3 serves a day.
Fish and Shellfish, 2 fish meals a week
Lean red or white meat, poultry, eggs, nuts and legumes 3-4 serves a week.
Margarine spreads, oils, mayo and salad dressing.
Follow the Food Group Pyramid for a well balanced Diet

Did You Know that Heart Disease affects more than 3.7 million Australians and the rate is growing every year. Information from the Australian Heart Foundation.
Go to My Weekly Food Diary on Wikispaces

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

My Reflective Synopsis

As a new generation of teachers confront an ever changing world of learning within schools, e-learning definitely been a part of that change. It is possible to reflect and recognise how far and fast i technology has changed since the time of the first computers back in the eighties, they were machines that sat at the bottom corner of a class room which no students or teachers knew on how to access. As research from the Department of Broadband, Communications has shown (2006), 70% of 14 years have access to the internet and 68% of 4-6 year olds have access of mobile phones .A new generations of teachers will take the steps to embrace the digital e-learning within classrooms at school from Prep to year 12. Now these devices have taken time to successfully integrate into society, these devices now present themselves for teachers the opportunity to integrate into the classroom and be accepted as part of learning. Spender and Stewart (2002) have recognised Australia as a knowledge economy, and with these building blocks of knowledge are creativity and intellectuality and the ability to think outside the square and with new technologies you don’t have to study in order to learn.

As a 1st year pre-service teacher I have experienced that e-learning is not necessarily an independent journey, understanding how I can best use these tools, devices in conjunction with my own pedagogy and frameworks will help to scaffold a rich learning environment.
Research into learning design frame-works has lead towards Ron Oliver and exploring the constructivist theories on learning and what frameworks and suggested instructional design strategies for online learning. Oliver suggests and links together content, learners support and learning activities at the start of his framework design. We must consider learning styles of the learner authentic technologies which support strategies such as problem based learning and the freedom of choice in which students actively engage and collaborate (Oliver 1999). With that choice allows learners to be responsible for their own learning, take learners to the edge of their comfort zone, demonstrate capabilities and further deepen knowledge.

As a pre-service teacher learning all of these techniques, tools and new skills for e-learning is very confronting and has changed the way I have viewed learning. This final synopsis is in response to how I as a teacher would eventually plan, structure and teach, keeping in mind frame-works and theories that best suite learners and working towards linking ICT with discipline areas and bridging together numeracy and literacy elements as well.
Before the event of teaching it is important to know my learners, build a relationship and find out about my learner and what knowledge they already know. As a teacher I would consider students to help me to profile them, and allow about my learners to use online tools to find out, their learning style, and personality traits and where my learners are at developmental. By example of accessing sites; and , allows me to start to build a relationship towards students and informs me of where my learner is at, this helps will help teachers in planning for lesson and activities.

As a secondary teacher in Business Principles there are many opportunities for students to participate in e-learning as part of their unit. Appendix1 explores and links how e-learning could participate within students learning and link to Blooms Taxonomy. Blooms digital taxonomy isn’t just about the tools & technologies, rather than about using these tools to facilitate in learning (Educational Origami 2009).

As an example part of the unit would consist of:
• How would you market your business?
• How would your customers know where your business is located?
• What kind of marketing would you use?
• Who are your customers?
• Why should customers purchase your product or service?

Students would be encouraged to create a wiki or blog, make comments about their journey about planning and organising their businesses and products they are trying to sell. Using web tools as Google reader, Google earth and Google map, students could provide links on their wikis informing customers where their businesses are and how customers can find out more about the products they are trying to sell. Students would be encouraged to use U-tube to find advertisements that would aid in advertising their products or services and give examples by creating their own vodcast of their product or service. Students would be encouraged to post photos of their products and use image manipulation to display more interesting images of their products, and provide to their customers the message they are trying to portray about their product or service.

Students are encouraged to be creative and imaginative and perceive the task as valuable and interesting (Marzano & Pickering 1996). Other students in the class would be expected to comment on other students’ wiki or blog as pretending to be customers and inquiring about the services or products offered. The objective of the unit would be for students to be to be able to understand the planning and organising required when marketing a new business and how the use of effective technology tools can be effective in promoting business today. Students would also begin to understand the role of business owner/manager and customer, the difference between the two with reflecting on this experience.

Finally, reflecting on my other discipline area which is Hospitality & Catering, is already a very practical subject for learners to participate in. Food and service are the fundamental elements in this subject, as food spans many countries and cultures in origin, these places can be visited online in books and online in communities and chat forums with people who share the same interest. Recipes can be booked marked and used as resources and vodcast demonstrations of famous chefs and cooks can be observed, allowing students new to the subject area to understand that one dish can be prepared and cooked many different ways.
In conclusion I have creatively demonstrated and planned various uses and ways of how e-learning can be embraced and facilitate students learning in the discipline areas that I wish to teach in the near future.

Comments and Conversation Appendix2

References Appendix3